13th December 2007, 03:40 - Adamicz

Gallery update
New photos were added to the gallery section (they were in Czech section for a monts though). Pics from Czech Army presentations - "Bahna 2007", "Czech Army for children and youth 2007" and "5th Tank Day in Lesany". Hope you'll like them.

2nd June 2007, 12:20 - Adamicz

Festive opening of the 2007 sesaon in Military Technical Museum Lešany
New PHOTOS from festive opening of the 2007 season in Military Technical Museum in Lešany. The biggest "crowd puller" were presentation of the 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade, newly reconstructed IS-3 and first of all - Merkava Mk.I, the only piece in working order out of Israel! Enjoy the pics :-)

7th May 2007, 00:35 - Adamicz

IDET 2007
I've added photos from IDET 2007. This year it was the biggest exhibition of defence and security technologies in Europe. Most of the stuff are the news in Czech army over the past two years. Hope you'll like the pics.

1st May 2007, 15:15 - Adamicz

The Aviation Museum Kbely
Gallery was updated again. This time with some of my photos from the Aviation Musueum Kbely, here in Prague. Enjoy: LINK.

28th January 2007, 12:25 - Adamicz

BAHNA 2004
Gallery was updated with several Twombly's photos from military show BAHNA 2004. Direct link is HERE.

7th January 2007, 20:55 - Adamicz

First article
Today I added on pages a translation of my czech article about the biggest and heaviest chopper in the world which is curently in service - Mi-26 "HALO". And please keep in mind that I'm not just good in englich... I mean english :-)

14th November 2006, 00:30 - Adamicz

Gallery updated
In English section is from this time forth complete gallery.

14th April 2006, 14:00 - Adamicz

English section opened
Today I opened new english secion of this site. Soon I'll try translate articles which I have already in czech section. I hope you'll enjoy it.